An online loan makes it faster, easier and safer than ever before to get the cash you need when you have an emergency expense. Back in the day you had to set up an appointment at the bank, fill out reams of paperwork and wait days to get your answer and loan. Online loans have changed all of that. Everything happens online and on the same day. No travelling, queues, meetings or papers.
Here’s how to apply for an online loan:
- Sign up here with your ID number and choose a password
- Complete our easy, online application form
- Attach your latest three payslips or bank statements
- Get your answer immediately
- Get cash sent straight to your bank account on the same day
Besides our online loan application being really fast and easy, online loans have the added benefit that they generally offer lower interest rates than “in-person” loans at a bank.
Online loans recognise the fact that there are some things in life that simply can’t wait, such as a sudden illness that warrants a doctor’s visit, or when an appliance or vehicle you rely on breaks. That’s why online loans don’t make you wait, and make life easy when you need it most.
Click here to apply for an online loan today. You’re minutes away from getting the cash you need!